Memories from München Episode I – Tollwood
This is the first article in a series I called “Memories from München”. Since I took a lot of photos in the 5 months spent in Germany, I will post in this series the photos as I will have the time to edit and select them. So let’s start with the first episode…. Tollwood is a yearly summer festival which takes place in the München Olympiapark, the park built especially for the München Olympic Games in 1972. With the motto Beautiful views – nice prospects, the festival has offered the public a whole month of fun and entertainment. This year’s edition offered 220 international artisans the opportunity to showw of…
Impressions from Prague
Music and the city
As it is well-known that students don’t have a lot of money, going to an open-air concert is out of the question, especially when tickets cost 30 EUR and more. This weekend, on the 7. and 8. of July, Odeonsplatz was the scene of the “Klassik am Odenosplatz München” concerts, which have reached the 12th edition this summer. The event was organised by the Bayerischer Rundfunk and the Landeshauptstadt München, counting more then 16.000 visitors each year. Read my entire post on the LMU Erasmus blog.
New toy – testing…
So I got a new camera… Nikon D7000. I still don’t know how to set up some things, but I’m looking into it for the moment. 🙂 Enjoy the photos I took on a warm summer night in Cluj, at home.
Greetings from Regensburg
Regensburg este un oraş aflat în estul Bavariei şi cel mai bine prezervat oraş medieval din Germania. Din 2006 se află pe lista monumentelor culturale şi face parte din patriomniul UNESCO. Oraşul este împărţit în două de Dunăre, iar podurile peste aceasta mi-au amintit de cele din Praga. Podul de piatră, construit între 1135 şi 1146, este cea mai mare construcţie inginerească din Evul Mediu superior din vest care mai funcţionează şi astăzi conform lui W.Volkert. Cu străzile mici şi aerul de oraş mic, Regensburg emană o oarecare familiaritate şi căldură, care te face să vrei să îl cunoşti mai îndeaproape. Vă invit aşadar la o plimbare prin Regensburg.
Geometries in Augsburg
Urma in culori
Alpina Blazna
On revolutionary road
Yuri Kozyrev, co-founder of the Amsterdam NOOR agency for documentary photography is the author of the current exhibition hosted by the War Photo Ltd. Museum in Dubrovnik, Croatia. His living photographs tell the story of the recent conflicts in Egypt, Yemen, Lybia and Bahrain. The exhibition is open from August1 to October 28 2011. War, you say, is an abomination; a barbarity; war must, be stopped at whatever cost. And we echo your words. War is an abomination; a barbarity; war must be stopped. Virginia Woolfe Set in old town Dubrovnik, War Photo Limited has the mission to educate the public in the field of war photography and to expose the harsh…